Video Library


Select the links below from our video library to learn more.


ClaimConnect - PayConnect - Provider Services

Batch Claims Overview

Claim Connect Overview

Complete a Provider Match

Correct a Claim with Validation Errors

Create a Claim

Create a Pretreatment Estimate

Create a Secondary Claim After a Primary Claim

Create a Secondary Claim with a Primary Claim

Create an Encounter

Delete a Claim

Differentiating Solicited and Unsolicited Attachments

Find a Claim

How to Check Patients Eligibility

Install DentalXChange Desktop Services Application

Labeling Teeth on a Claim Form

Mark a Claim as Pending

Pend a Claim when Information is Missing

Processing and Reviewing ERA Reports

Research Claim History

Resubmit a Rejected Claim

Save a Claim for Later

Submit a Duplicate Claim

Submit an Attachment Requested by an ERA or EOB

Submit an Attachment when Creating a Claim

Understanding Claim Submission Statuses

Understanding Dental Claims

Understanding Orientation of X-Rays

Understanding Problem Claim Statuses

Understanding User Generated Statuses


Account Management: Services & Settings

Add a Service or Package

Alert Settings

Billing & Reporting

Change Practice Management System

Login & Password Rules

Manage An Attachment Rule

Managing Providers


DDS Enroll

Credentialing - Adding an E-Signature

Credentialing - Completing the Question Wizard

Credentialing - Maintenance & Tips

Credentialing - Submission of the Application

Credentialing - Uploading Documents


PatientConnect - Patient Services

Create Patient Statements Using E-Patient Statements

Patient Education

Provider Setup for E-Patient Statements


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